Team Pro Plant-Based. No Time for Enzymes!

Team Pro Plant-Based. No Time for Enzymes!

Plant-Based vs Enzymatic Cleaners - What's the big diff anyway?? 

Enzymatic cleaners and natural plant-based cleaners both offer eco-friendly alternatives to traditional chemical cleaning agents, especially for outdoor use. Enzymatic cleaners, which utilize beneficial bacteria to break down organic matter into water and carbon dioxide, are highly effective in reaching small crevices and eliminating odors and stains at the microscopic level. They continue to work over time, improving productivity and reducing labor costs. Moreover, they are generally non-toxic and safe for the environment, contributing to a reduced ecological impact. 

Plant-based cleaners are formulated using natural ingredients derived from plants, such as essential oils and botanical extracts. These ingredients are not only effective at breaking down dirt and grime but also offer a safer alternative to the harsh chemicals found in many conventional cleaning products. For instance, compounds like limonene and pinene, found in citrus and pine oils, are known for their grease-cutting and antimicrobial properties. 

One of the key advantages of plant-based cleaners is their environmental impact. They are biodegradable and free from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which means they break down naturally without harming the ecosystem. Moreover, they contribute to better indoor air quality and reduce the risk of skin irritation, allergies, and other health concerns associated with corrosive chemicals. 


The Rise of Plant-Based Cleaners: A Sustainable Cleaning Revolution 

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in consumer preferences towards sustainable and eco-friendly products. This trend is particularly evident in the cleaning industry, where plant-based cleaners like Party Foul's Outdoor Cleaner and Pet Odors & Stains Destroyer are gaining popularity over traditional enzyme-based cleaners. But what exactly makes these plant-based options stand out? 


Party Foul's Cleaners: A Case Study in Sustainability 

Party Foul's Outdoor Cleaner and Pet Odors & Stains Slayer exemplify the benefits of plant-based cleaning solutions. These products boast a PFAS-free formula, ensuring they are free from "forever chemicals" that persist in the environment. The Outdoor Cleaner is designed for versatility, capable of tackling spills and stains on a variety of outdoor surfaces. Meanwhile, the Pet Odors & Stains Destroyer features high-impact odor neutralizers that effectively remove tough pet stains and odors, including urine, feces, blood, and vomit, while preventing repeat marking by pets. 


Enzyme-Based Cleaners: A Different Approach 

Enzyme-based cleaners, on the other hand, utilize naturally occurring enzymes to break down complex stains into smaller, water-soluble particles. These enzymes are highly specific, targeting particular types of stains such as proteins, fats, or carbohydrates. While enzyme-based cleaners are also eco-friendly and derived from natural sources, they work differently from plant-based cleaners by focusing on the biochemical breakdown of stains. 


The Verdict 

Both plant-based and enzyme-based cleaners offer effective, eco-friendly alternatives to traditional chemical cleaners. However, plant-based cleaners like Party Foul's products are gaining an edge due to their non-toxic formulas, absence of VOCs, and commitment to sustainability.